welcome to my new life which is working life, work with hong kong ppl in new environment, new friend (colleagues), new knowledge...
first time getting scold by customer, because customer think that im a lier .. sob.. but after that everything is done and settle ald.. i hope i can learn better than now.. gambateh in my working life!!
my colleague very care about me, work together, fun together and very friendly.. everything work together and fight together, we wont argue and unfair.. i hope everything is good for me and wont change in my mind and life..
farewell and join my colleague wedding dinner.. we have fun, drunk together.. and happy that to meet u.. even is few week and 1 month.. we will miss you.. and we are alway is friend.. in my heart!! all the best in your future my friend.. =)
fight for new life
Hello every blogger who view my profile, sorry about that long time didn't update my blog, recently quite busy for my job, HSBC. This is my first job in my life, and i happy that i can work in HSBC. It is because i can learn more knowledge about the payment info and the system thing. Beside, also can gain more experience for my working life.
In my position which is to investigate the payment and it is very challenges for us, but i will try my best to handle it.. i hope i can fight for it! New life, new journal! hope can get better in my future.
I'm happy to meet you all my colleagues, hope can happy together and fight together ya!
I also wish all my friend (kiasu, BFF) get better future and all the best in working life!Meet you all at Convocation day..Cant wait to see you all..Miss u all badly
In my position which is to investigate the payment and it is very challenges for us, but i will try my best to handle it.. i hope i can fight for it! New life, new journal! hope can get better in my future.
I'm happy to meet you all my colleagues, hope can happy together and fight together ya!
I also wish all my friend (kiasu, BFF) get better future and all the best in working life!Meet you all at Convocation day..Cant wait to see you all..Miss u all badly
i dun really feel i have a happy, funny, care family.. i feel very disappointment that what you did with me and my brother, mother.. i feel you very greedy at all.. just think of yourself and other? dun care..
what i wan to say is i haven start my job.. for sure dun have the pay slip.. but you buy a car for using my name and use my mother name again n again.. do you think of mine feeling? and also my mother- your wife? you keep saying the car is for ME.. but actually is for you and without pay the fees.. mean i pay it? and you use it.. and i work just for pay your car fees? do you think of my feeling? and why you cant think before action.... YES.. BIG car is nice and cozy.. but do you think we having financial problem?
I feel i wan to leave.. and leave the house.. i feel sad why my life became like this..sometimes i need a talk.. can someone? ='(
what i wan to say is i haven start my job.. for sure dun have the pay slip.. but you buy a car for using my name and use my mother name again n again.. do you think of mine feeling? and also my mother- your wife? you keep saying the car is for ME.. but actually is for you and without pay the fees.. mean i pay it? and you use it.. and i work just for pay your car fees? do you think of my feeling? and why you cant think before action.... YES.. BIG car is nice and cozy.. but do you think we having financial problem?
I feel i wan to leave.. and leave the house.. i feel sad why my life became like this..sometimes i need a talk.. can someone? ='(
finally i'm done my job in my study life, i'm graduate student now, i appreciate my family and my friend who are care about me and fight together with me. Thank a lot and prepare for my convocation in this November or December, see you my friend.
Now i need to start my new chapter in my life which is WORKING LIFE. i need to looking for job and hope i can get it for my mum medicine. it's to decrease her pressure and money problem in her life. I promise i will get a better life for you, mum..
P.S: get a better life, start from your attitude and behavior.
Now i need to start my new chapter in my life which is WORKING LIFE. i need to looking for job and hope i can get it for my mum medicine. it's to decrease her pressure and money problem in her life. I promise i will get a better life for you, mum..
P.S: get a better life, start from your attitude and behavior.
i appreciate i got a good lecturer in my life and in college, i also appreciate they teach me a lot of knowledge and care about me..
and after i read a blog from my lecturer i feel touching, caring and warm.. and i fall in cry mood. suddenly my mind keep on my lecturer imagine.. THANK YOU for teaching me 2 semester, even it is not very long but i really appreciate that i have a nice, good, caring lecturer and let me know more about the knowledge and get more information.
i also appreciate the teacher who teach me in CERTIFICATE. if NOT i wont have today, i also wont forgot Mr FAZHAM for teaching, even you are not here anymore, but I still remember what sir u teaching and Rest In Peace.
thank you my lecturer who teach me in my life, thank a lot <3 p="p">3>
and after i read a blog from my lecturer i feel touching, caring and warm.. and i fall in cry mood. suddenly my mind keep on my lecturer imagine.. THANK YOU for teaching me 2 semester, even it is not very long but i really appreciate that i have a nice, good, caring lecturer and let me know more about the knowledge and get more information.
i also appreciate the teacher who teach me in CERTIFICATE. if NOT i wont have today, i also wont forgot Mr FAZHAM for teaching, even you are not here anymore, but I still remember what sir u teaching and Rest In Peace.
thank you my lecturer who teach me in my life, thank a lot <3 p="p">3>
不行不行,得到机会,我要远离,我要未来高贵,理智,美丽。不行不行,我经过你,你的眼中,尽是我的过去,一地碎玻璃。我们曾经无话不说,所以最终无话可说为什么。。。那是不是说明我们要保留一些Yet more and more time passes silently.Outside the wind's incomplete unrestbuilds and disperses clouds about the sky.And dark towns heap up on the horizon.None of this cares for us. Nothing shows whyAt this unique distance from isolationIt becomes still more difficult to findWords at once true and kindOr ont untrue and not unkind.i hope i'm still can with u alli hope i can inside your heart,i hope i still is your breast friend, sister...i hope u all can find me when missing me..i hope you all can find me without any reason,i just hope i still inside your heart...
hey!! i'm back again, now i having my holiday.. i finish my exam ald, and i hope i can pass all my subject and to graduate. by the way, today the topic i share is about my life.
i pass my individual and independence life in 2009 until 2012, 3 year plus at TARC (Tunku Abdul Rahman College), this 3 year plus i feel happiness and fun but the reason not mean that i stay at outside for fun and happen. the reason is i meet a friend that helpful, friendly, and Care. i feel fun is because they bring all the happiness to me, share their experience. In this all sem, 3 year plus.. i meet a lot of teacher, they are good, care and nice. i very love them. now i start to miss them (teacher and friend).
in this year Hari Raya, i hear that MR Fazham is pass away, i shock and cry.. he is a good, knowledgeable teacher and that time i still remember he teach us in certificate and teach in fundamental practice and conventions in communication. i cant stop to cry it, even he just teach me 1 sem, but i cant stop thinking of him, and dun have taking picture with him too. i feel regret and i hope sir can rest in peace (R.I.P). we will miss u and wont forgot about Mr Fazham.
i pass my individual and independence life in 2009 until 2012, 3 year plus at TARC (Tunku Abdul Rahman College), this 3 year plus i feel happiness and fun but the reason not mean that i stay at outside for fun and happen. the reason is i meet a friend that helpful, friendly, and Care. i feel fun is because they bring all the happiness to me, share their experience. In this all sem, 3 year plus.. i meet a lot of teacher, they are good, care and nice. i very love them. now i start to miss them (teacher and friend).
in this year Hari Raya, i hear that MR Fazham is pass away, i shock and cry.. he is a good, knowledgeable teacher and that time i still remember he teach us in certificate and teach in fundamental practice and conventions in communication. i cant stop to cry it, even he just teach me 1 sem, but i cant stop thinking of him, and dun have taking picture with him too. i feel regret and i hope sir can rest in peace (R.I.P). we will miss u and wont forgot about Mr Fazham.
i also thinking of my friend, how good are they, how funny are them. i missing them. sometimes, i dunno why i will cry in the small matter? maybe is i care.. i care of something.. i no dare to told my friend i cry because of we are gone, i no dare to told i cry because i dun wan leave you all.. i hope you all can stay well and please remember me, and we still is a Best Best friend..
together prepare press conference with my gang..., play, eat together....
assignment together...
traditional presentation (certificate) ...
Certificate PR B4
my lovely best friend
diploma PR B7 cupcake for orphanage to celebrate Christmas...
Certificate PR B4 kiasu gang press conference...
kiasu gang <3 p="p">
all the memory pop out from my mind and i wish we all still can meet and can chitchat together, please dun forgot what we say, what we did, what we share before..i wish we can always happy together and fun together.. and BFF, dun forget each other.
i miss my best friend, my sister, my friend.. but r they missing me? r they care about you? i cry.. i feel sad.. i feel y i so care about it? even u call them as sister.. also like nothing.. ='(
when i not there, i know who is the one not care about it.. i dun mind, when i know the situation and the indirect meaning, i very very disappointed.. i know i'm always alone.. even i go another places or disappear also nobody care.. as one of my best friend say, when happen something u will know who is the person who care of you in ur life..
what are the situation?
long time didnt update my blog already, how are you, my follower and my dear friend? I feel my life gonna to start a new chapter already. By the way, this few day i quite sad because my lovely sugar glider is dead and my father keep saying and blame is my fault?!
what i did? i study at setapak and the sugar glider is at hometown. he keep on saying sugar glider dead is because i cut her nail?! the person who cut the nail is YOU, father, not me.. why all blame me? and why keep saying my fault?
i feel my really can't control my mood now, my pet, my mum, my situation all is make my mood spoil. i feel sadness because my family situation. i feel apologize for my mum, i cant help her when she sick.. even now i also cant help.. nobody know the feeling of sick and the person who beside. i worry my mum situation. my father keep on smoking, how to reduce it? how my mum recover? i keep on asking myself.. how do i continuous it? how do i face my father?
i want my mum get healthy, and want help my mum to return all the fine to bank, and relative for the medical fees. now i can do is work hard, save hard.. to reduce my mum pressure.
有一种玫瑰是蓝色的,花瓣象海水一样深邃,露珠一样晶莹,爱人的 心一样柔软 敏感。并且它能感知爱情的忠贞和纯洁。它有一个妖娆的名字叫“蓝 色妖姬”。关于它有这样一个故事——
在法国的一个镇子里,有一个盛产玫瑰的塔里奥庄园,每年都有大量 的奇异品种被运往世界各地的花店。庄园主的18岁的女儿丽芙·塔 里奥有着一头锦缎一样滑软的金发,手指雪白柔软,蓝色的眼睛仿佛 幽静的宝石,和她的蓝裙子相互辉映。
她爱上了花匠的儿子凯恩,每个夜晚都到玫瑰园里与他约会。 当庄园主知道这一切后,恼怒的解雇了花匠,并将丽芙反锁在一栋废 弃小木屋里。在被反锁的第七天,丽芙疲惫的睡着了,朦胧中,她看 见故去的奶奶向她走来。奶奶告诉她,你将自己的血滴到这个戒指上 ,它就具备魔力,让你与凯恩相遇。但是你必须每晚9点以前赶回玫 瑰园,否则,你的魔力尽失,会变成一枚血戒指,连人也做不回了。 丽芙翻身坐起来,一枚黄旧的铜戒指正在自己的手指上熠熠闪光。
她找了一株玫瑰,埋好戒指,在一家灯火通明的面包房里看到了消瘦 的凯恩,他们彼此的注视着,仿佛要把对方的容颜刻进自己的眼睛, 甚至心脏……一晚,两晚,三晚……每晚9点钟敲响的时候,丽芙都 急匆匆的离去。第九个夜晚,凯恩抱怨道:“你为什么不肯多陪我? 哪怕是一刻钟?为什么爱我却不能和我共渡一个完整的夜晚?”
丽芙默不作声,凯恩看着她那双雪白修长的手指,暗想:她这样的双 手,天生是弹钢琴的,她压根受不了酵母、洗衣粉的腐蚀,甚至不能 帮自己和匀面粉……他有意的考验她,拖延时间。零点钟声响起的时 候,他听到丽芙微弱的叫了一声,在他的怀抱里慢慢变小,最后变成 了一枚带血的戒指……凯恩娶了强壮的挤奶姑娘。
婚礼开始的那一刻,塔里奥玫瑰园开满了世界上最美丽的蓝色玫瑰, 它天幕一样忧伤的蓝色,高贵的如同夜晚的宝石。更神奇的是它能感 知爱情。在忠贞纯洁的爱人手上,它开的灿烂;在有了杂念的人那里 ,它会越开越颓败,看上去就像一枚带血的戒指。
蓝玫瑰是忘却的花朵,闻了它的花香可以忘记痛苦和忧伤或最重要的 人
它会使你联想到天空,那么的宽广博大,什么东西都包容得下,你可 以对它吐露你的一切,它总会回报你温暖的阳光,让你满怀信心地大 步前行。
神秘,爱情是神秘或者不为人知的爱情、不为人知的秘密,或秘密的 忧伤
蓝色妖姬玫瑰花常常代表的是:对恋人深深地爱,对夫妻间感情最真 的诠释,在特别日子里最美好的祝福,对已逝去日子的美好回忆。
单枝蓝色妖姬花语: 相守是一种承诺。人世轮回中,怎样才能拥有一份温柔的情意.相遇 是一种宿命,心灵的交汇让我们有诉不尽的浪漫情怀;相守是一种承 诺,人世轮回中,怎样才能拥有一份温柔的情意!
双枝蓝色妖姬花语:相遇是一种宿命,心灵的交汇让我们有诉不尽的 浪漫情怀。
三枝蓝色妖姬花语:你是我最深的爱恋,希望永远铭记我们这段美丽 的爱情故事。
十二枝+满天星花语:哦,我的玫瑰情人,我要挑逗你、诱惑你、宠 爱你、纵容你!我要你做我的蓝色精灵,对全世界扬起骄傲的唇角, 在爱的天空中翱翔 ♥
她爱上了花匠的儿子凯恩,每个夜晚都到玫瑰园里与他约会。 当庄园主知道这一切后,恼怒的解雇了花匠,并将丽芙反锁在一栋废
单枝蓝色妖姬花语: 相守是一种承诺。人世轮回中,怎样才能拥有一份温柔的情意.相遇
有时候你想告诉他们“我想你们了” 可到头来你会得到什么答案??我的答案是“like”以外什么都没了。。我不是要你的甜言蜜语,我要的是个真的真的在无时无刻会跑来和你说话。。谈天说地的就那么简单。。不是我不找,而是我找而得到的答案一次比一次一样或更差。。
what my feeling
time is passed very quickly, still gt 1 more week start my new semester and it is last sem for me too.. i gonna to start to missing my classmate, my best friend from college and my course.. and i think after few month ago, i become alone again and pass my life..and i need to handle and help my mum in house and be independent. wont dependent my family especially is my father. i wont care and help him anymore..
alway tot im a ATM mesin.. alway say help u did? money come.when im born, you didnt care about me n brother, alway slap us if we didnt hear what you say, this CASE i still remember clearly.. sometimes, i feel emo why i will like that, y i born? sometimes i think, y alway with my mum argue and why don't safe her? and call her go die? if we all say this kind of word to u, do u feel sad or hurt?
my mum get sick, pls think about her health, what mean is smoke can get health and like non-smoker will get sick like mum? so u mean u r healthy than us? and say my mum waste money to see this kind of sick? please respect ppl before u say..U r SUCK!! and BULLSHIT!!
what my feeling now? i feel my suck very suck bcos we have this kind of father and i will missing my best friend after few month later..
my situation, my opinion

who am i? what i should do, think and care?
i born not for scold, not for hurt, not for u to get benefit from me.. i can do whatever i like. just a small matter thing then keep scold me and even wan to slap me? am i ur daughter? do u care about me? i dun even remember i gt a sweet, happy memory from u since i born until now! i feel hurt, sadness..y i gt this kind of family, y i have this kind of father..even i have problem i also can call for help from u..i just can call help from my mum n my bf only..u just know $ from my family..
in ur eye, we r ATM when u need money just ask for it n take it only. in ur eye, we r stupid and u r clever.. do u think u will hurt ppl?sometimes the cases not really like what u say, y u make it so serious? like u done it very well, very nice and clever? u alway just live in ur life and just feel u r right.i'm a human, i really need care, not a robot and no feeling please listen what am saying..
sometimes i need someone to listen me..but sometimes i feel im so alone, even i miss my sister, feel wan chat with them but i still feel im lonely, because in the end of the sentences, they sure nth to say already.. will stop at the half or end of problem only..when i sad, cry.. i just hide and cry wont let ppl know it.. ppl think im ok, my house finance is good.. actually not.. i not like u all saw that good.. sometimes, i jealous ppl can get a nice BFF n alway chat together..but for me hard to get it because i'm a quiet girl only.. #sad
rich person not mean that u r rich, just a family rich only.. y want truth my mum like a lier? she r not, my mum really getting sick, what r u think about her? lie ur money? my mum wont do this for u, if she really need help, she also will say and ask from u b wont using sick for reason. 20++ year friend? from this situation can know who u r n this call friend? my mum alway think y she so bad luck will getting this kind of sick.. do u know how to care her? even u r friend, husband u all also dunno how to care my mum..today im here is help my mum to say out her feeling only..
my mum keep asking me, she scare dead like someone she meet in hospital. she scare and cry, do u all know? and please dun say my mum is lying using sick, and please save my mum dun smoke at house, u not a good husband as well..do u think u smoke will effect my mum? #regret
if 1 day, im lost that mean i getting hurt very much and please find me and care me when i sadness and before i lost, dun wait me lost and i dunno what i will do in that time.. #emotion

24.自由可貴 , 但是,每天數以萬計的人,在用自由換取愛情。
34.美貌、智慧、 金錢,很多事,都是天生註定的,別想用你那嫉妒心,改變什麼。
35.小心眼、嫉妒心、 仇恨、 報復,女人的伎倆不過如此,你要施展沒關係,關係的是你別被人發
39.嗯 … 不要在哪幾個場合相信男人的話呢?床上、 他開心的時候、有求於你的時候、 犯錯的時候。
46.煙、 酒,從古至今,被公認為兩大毒藥。而對,女人,愛情這一樣,足以

today, my mum going to the hospital to check up for her blood. my mum saw her friend from the hospital and feel she change a lot and look unwell than b4. therefore, my mum asking her and care about her.
but my mum hear a bad new from her, is about the women still left few more month to go..n she told my mum, she try a lot of medical, waste all money, but at the end, doctor say no medical help ald.. and the way all using ald..
she tell my mum if doctor call her try other medical, dun use it. cos most of the person using another medical after few month is dead.. she suggest my mum to save the money, and enjoy watever now u have and dun waste the money even it is cant help n recover u..
the women from privacy hospital change to UMHPJ (University Malaya Hospital PJ) ald 10 year ago, and she fight with the "Serious illness" now she waste all the money and time, and get the answer is "still have few month life". my mum feel very upset when she hear about it..and she told me, she almost want to cry out..my mum is worry, she worry about her sick.
if reli have GOD, please save my mum, we need mum to our life..even tell my mum, dun upset, and support her.. but we can know her heart is upset..cos she know the "fate".
i just wan my mum stay healthy and until our all marry and get rich for my mum stay happy n enjoy her life, please to save my mum..

im stupid mean u too

u think u r clever? if u think u r clever please go a head to do whatever u like, hear phone and answer by urself.. dun call ppl do this do that!! u tot ppl is ur maid? im ur daughter, u say im stupid, ok, i admit.. but do u think u also is a stupid? im ur daughter im come from ur DNA.. if u dun like then i move on!! i wont stay with u anymore..
u alway say boy is better than girl, because im not stay at home forever, i will marry.. then? so? u better close with my brother and sweet with them!! i dun care!! i will truth u difference than other!! more RUDE than other.. FXXK

我觉得我不该出生,来到这个世界。。也对不起我妈妈,我有这种想法。。她给了我人生,知识在这个世界。。我很对不起你。。可有这种想法都是我爸爸造成的。。以前有一段日子觉得我父亲很差,对我妈妈,我, 和婆婆他们。。我讨厌他,他不配做父亲。。在中间的日子里,他又变了。。变好了点,就觉得我父亲是不错的。可现在这个时候,我的想法是错的。。他还是不配当一个一家之主,父亲。。你只会想钱,赌,吸烟。。有为了妈妈吗?有为了我和哥哥他们的事业和将来吗?根本没有。。开口关口粗口,吸烟,钱。。妈妈的健康有想过吗??妈妈的医药费,屋,车钱?我的学费? 你没有想过。。
im tired and finally can rest!!

well, my blog is dead for long time ago.. rushing our assignment and final and make my blog dead..but now i having holiday for 1 month..can update new information at blog..
now FB change to timeline.. and cause the profile look very messy.. i dun like it..=( and very hard to see it also.. besides that, it's also cause the profile and line very lag..
please change it back to normal..i miss it..='(..
after final, i wan to did watever i want now.. can sleep late a bit, can watch comic, animal, drama.. but of cos i will do housework for helping my mum.. since my mum haven recover yet..i hope my mum can get well and healthy..
this holiday i need to care my parent and build relationship with them =)
my assignment
and hope our assignment can get well result ..pls mr chuan "ban sir" let us get well result.. please..
and it time to prepare for final exam.. hope i can did it well..

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